How to Come Up With Ideas For Inventions

To come up withideas for inventions, the first step is to understand the problem you want to solve. Start by watching existing products and asking questions. Once you understand the problem, it’s much easier to generate ideas. It also allows for more creativity. You can also consider asking for feedback from others, which is a great way to get their input.

Subtraction and attribute dependency tools

There are two main ways to create dependencies in an invention. Attribute dependency works by creating a relationship between variables and their characteristics. Attributes are properties of a product or a component that can change. While a manufacturer can control some of these attributes, others may not be within their control.

Inventors can use these two tools to help them find a solution to a problem. In the first method, the inventor will remove a necessary component. The second method involves adding a new component. This is commonly known as attribute dependency. Attribute dependency can be a useful tool in the development of new products.

Interviewing people

Interviewing people forhave an idea for an invention requires a systematic approach. This can be done in various ways. One method is through visual documentation. It aims to convey the invention as a process of problem-solving and brings it into visible dialogue with its creators. Another method is through audio-video interviews. Both methods require preparation and strategy.

In any interview, it is important to break questions into phases that relate to the inventing an idea . For example, ask the interviewee to discuss the reasons for wanting to invent a device, obstacles the person faced, breakthrough moments, and efforts to market the device.

Innovation iceberg

Innovation iceberg: A visual representation of the changing nature of innovation. It can be used as a planning tool for organizations. In this process, team members create a picture of a potential change and place sticky notes on it. They then discuss the possibilities and potential leverage points for change. This activity ends with a debriefing.


There are two main steps to pursuing patents for invention ideas. First, you must document your idea in a journal. It should be signed by a witness, and the pages should be consecutive. This journal can be a simple notebook, or one that you purchase at a bookstore. Second, you must research your idea from a legal and business standpoint. Lastly, you must make sure that your idea is new and different from other similar ideas.

The next step is determining ownership. You can either own the patent by yourself or by forming a company to co-develop the invention with investors. If you have multiple inventors, they may also want to co-own the company. If so, you should be sure to include them on the patent application.


One of the problems that many inventors face is the commercialisation of their invention ideas. This problem is known as the “commercialisation conundrum” and is often referred to as the “invention-marketing paradox”. However, there are a number of things that you can do to maximise the chances of commercialising your new idea.

The first step in commercialising your invention idea is identifying a potential business partner. A commercial broker can help you find the right partner for your venture. It is important to research the commercialisation process in detail and obtain references from independent sources. Be sure that the commercial broker is reputable and that the rights you own in your invention are protected. Moreover, you should agree on a percentage that you will be paid once the commercialisation process is completed.


When you have a great idea for a new product, you have to determine when it is right to start working on it. New products require research and prototyping, which requires resources. You will also need to practice your elevator pitch to sell your idea to investors. Once you have decided when to start working on your idea, you must decide how to prioritize all of these steps.

One way to come up with an invention idea is to anticipate problems that you see a lot of people facing. It is essential to listen to complaints and identify common problems. Then, you can develop a product or service that solves these problems and is inexpensive and effective for your target customers.

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